
Download Spyware Scrapper v2.1

Spyware Scrapper is constantly updated with the latest spyware definitions!

Spyware Scrapper is a robust, powerful spyware and adware remover that will fight spyware to the death. Going beyond the typical spyware removal process, Spyware Scrapper also actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it's tracks! Spyware Scrapper also performs about blank spyware removal. Thus, no more opening your browser to an about blank.

Spyware Scrapper will fight spyware and remove the latest threats and restore your PC! No more unwanted popups! No more unwanted toolbars! Your PC will once again be FAST!

Spyware Scrapper Features
Check out these features of Spyware Scrapper

Spyware Scrapper is a robust, powerful spyware and adware remover. Going beyond the typical spyware removal process, Spyware Scrapper also actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it's tracks!

Spyware Scrapper prevents any program from changing your Internet Explorer Home Page without your permission: which means that spyware authors can't direct you to their own websites where they can infect you with even more malicious programs!
In addition to these proactive methods, Spyware Scrapper also contains smart adware and spyware scanning techniques that let you scan your entire system any time.
More features of Spyware Scrapper...

Proactive protection monitors your PC and stops spyware dead in it's tracks!
Home Page Hijack Protection prevents spyware programs from changing your internet Home Page
Runs at startup to provide continuous protection

Scans Running Processes

Scans the Windows Registry

Scans Internet Cookies
Logs scan results

Schedule scans to keep your computer 100% free of spyware

Auto-update feature allows your customers to download the newest spyware definitions directly from your website
Creates a Windows System Restore point before deleting files (Win ME/XP only)
Choose whether to keep or remove spyware that is found on your computer with one click

Deleted files are quarantined in case you need to recover them

Quarantine Log allows you to see exactly where quarantined files were previously located
Status menu displays definition numbers, number of programs you are protected against, number of programs removed, and more!

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