Download Advanced Diary
Advanced Diary is a perfect choice. First, it supports multiple diaries and multiple entries for a single day. This is a unique feature, because no other diary software is capable of keeping multiple diaries in a singe database file.
Second, Advanced Diary is clearly structured and easily searched. Interlinking one entry to another is possible as well. Third, there are two available modes - Calendar (show by date) and Document Tree (show by file). The Calendar mode, as the name implies, shows a calendar. A user can access diary entries by simply jumping to a certain date. The Document Tree mode displays a so-called "file tree" so a person can open a desired file immediately. Since both modes have their advantages and disadvantages, it's smart to switch between them, depending on a situation..
Program's Major Advantages:
Intuitive, user-friendly interface.
Flexible tree-like database structure.
Password protection.
Database encryption.
Supports multiple diaries and multiple entries for a single day.
Supports Calendar and Document Tree modes.
Ability to edit the print reports before print.
Page header and footer are supported.
Ability to export the print reports into RTF or HTML file.
Powerful database search engine.
Import and export features (rtf, txt, html)
RTF support.
Paragraph formatting.
Image insertion.
Bullets and Numbering.
Hyperlinks to other database records or Internet/local/network files.
Work with tables.
Installation and uninstallation.
Platform: Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 1.47
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