
Download Anti-Porn Parental

Anti-Porn Parental Controls - A comprehensive porn filter software (porn block software) to protect your kids from porn websites like a .

Anti-Porn parental controls can filter out adult websites(block porn), which with objects not fit for children, and even filters out chats when offensive and predatory language is used.

Anti-Porn software can auto filter out ten thousands of porn websites and you can also easily add in the websites which you don't want children to see. Besides, Anti-Porn filters out internet material by blocking some predatory word, and you can predefine special words, then, children can not see any internet material with those words.

Anti-Porn parental control software can supply the globe standard time, you can set the program to let your kids use internet at certain times on specific days.

Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all websites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps the track of all material emerged on computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history. Anti-Porn has been a net filter for your children.On the other hand, adults, who with password, can surf internet unlimitedly.

Features of Anti-Porn filter software :

Filter out porn websites - Anti-Porn parental controls has blocked ten thousands of porn websites.Besides,you can predefine websites you don't let kids visit by yourself.
Update online - Library of porn websites updates weekly.

Realtime filter - Realtime porn-filter technique can filter any porn website,which appears recently.
Close before Display - Anti-Porn parental controls check the whole contents of webpage quickly,and will close the forbidden webpage before kids see it.

Limit internet chat - Anti-Porn parental controls can limit to use popular chat softwares and limit to access to major chat rooms.

Time synchronization - Anti-Porn parental controls auto synchronize local time with global time.

Limit internet access by day and time - You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.
History log - Anti-Porn parental controls keeps a detail log of all websites visited, filtered out or not.
Screen log - Anti-Porn parental controls makes screen snap every certain interval,which is setted by yourself.

Recommend trusted websites - Anti-Porn parental controls has recommended several websites, which fit for children. You can also add in any websites by yourself.

Password protection - Anyone can't close Anti-Porn parental controls without parental password.



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