
Download folder security software

Folder Security Personal lets you password protect folders and files without it being too much trouble, making it ideal for home use. The interface offers a compromise between security and ease of use. All you have to do to work normally with protected files is start the program and enter the password once. You can hide, block access to, or prevent modification of individual folders and files, files of a specified format, or entire drives. It doesn't take much memory when running in the background.

Folder Security Personal is useful to parents, webmasters, and most employers.
Key features of this folder protection software:

This folder protection software keeps files and folders secret and safe by hiding and locking them, and can also password protect folders and files by making them read-only with a password.

This folder protection software can also lock floppies, CD-ROMs, removable disks, and local hard disks so other people can't use your computer to play games and videos or to copy files to or from it.

Without password, the protected folders, files and other objects can't be deleted, modified, renamed, moved, or used by malicious people and programs.

This folder protection software is foolproof, easy-to-use, and self-protected. The drag-and-drop operation is fully supported.
Parents can use it to prevent children from playing computer games and videos, or tampering with important documents.
Webmasters can use it to protect web pages from being modified or deleted by hackers.

Employers can use it to protect production systems from being destroyed by malicious people or computer viruses.
System Requirement:
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003
Requirements: 64M RAM, 5M free HD space
Size: 1.55 MB


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