Download Quick Keylogger for free
Quick Keylogger 2.1 , Monitoring your computer is a tough and responsible process, you can never tell for sure who and when used your PC without a special software installed. Most surveillance programs are very difficult to use, unlike Quick Keylogger. It is really quick, simple and easy-to-use, being absolutely undetectable!
You can install Quick Keylogger within 2 minutes after your free demo download. Set your password for logs viewing and start monitoring. With Quick Keylogger you can easily capture keystrokes and monitor computer usage without any special technical knowledge. Detailed information about every keystroke includes date, time, PC name, username, application and path. It is enough to have a total control on your computer and be sure nobody uses it for illegal purposes or without permission! Not a single keystroke can be hidden from Quick Keylogger.
Full Features:
Quick Keylogger's keyboard monitoring engine will record absolutely all keystrokes typed on your computer. All buttons' combinations, letters, words, numbers, system keys - all characters are captured ans secretely saved in crypted logs. Even when software masks user's input, Quick Keylogger saves what was really typed. You can be sure, that using Quick Keylogger you will always grab the real keyboard activity.
You will never know Quick Keylogger is working on your PC unless you are the administrator who installed it. The software works in stealth mode and cannot be found intentionally even by most advanced computer professionals. When you are reviewing the logs, the software does not stop keylogging and does not reveal itself in any way (actually, it will only ask for password to view logs or uninstall).
All passwords, even masked with various symbols (*, x, X, #, etc), are easily captured and stored by Quick Keylogger for your later review. When a user types his/her password for mailbox, messenger account, documents, crypted discspace, hidden drives, etc, Quick Keylogger captures every symbol of it and writes the recorded data into the logs, so that the user does not spot any difference as if the PC he is working on is not monitored at all.
Quick Keylogger can secretly capture all instant messengers chats, online chats, forums and more typed on your keyboard. All of the taken recordings are invisibly written into the encrypted log file, only you will be able to open it and review the activity recorded. With the power and simplicity of Quick Keylogger you will be able to spy on your spouse, monitor your children, observe your employees work, and even spy on lover - you will know to whom they communicate on the Internet, what they discuss, whether they are cheating or using your company resources illegally and out of their work scope.
With Quick Keylogger you will be able to silently capture every e-mail created on your computer. The product will record user account, e-mail program monitored person uses to send and receive e-mails, time and date, and complete text of the letter.
You don't need to launch the keylogger every time the PC is rebooted. Quick Keylogger will invisibly start every time your OS is booted. Quick Keylogger also starts its silent monitoring operations immediately upon user login into the system.
Quick Keylogger easily lets you monitor any number of user accounts on your computer even if they are protected with a password. Not only administrator account, but all users in your system are monitored at the same time, every record in your logs will have the field telling you about the useraccount it has been taken in. Thanks to this approach you don't need to constantly view the logs for each user, but instead you have a general overview of the activity on your computer and it takes much less time to find the needed information within a few clicks.
You can prevent others from accessing your logs even in case they are aware that computer is under monitoring. You can do this simply attaching a password for logs viewing and uninstallation. You will be able to do it immediately when installation of Quick Keylogger is complete.
All the logs Quick Keylogger stores keystrokes into are highly protected with modern complicated crypting algorithms. Nobody will be able to decipher your records, unless you reveal your password.
Quick Keylogger stores all the logs securely for an unlimited period until you decide to clear them. Quick Keylogger is equipped with a calendar that lets you separate logs by specific dates and time. All recorded sessions are be combined by date, month, and time. This will enable you to narrow down who was using your computer, when and for which purposes.
Size: 482 KB
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