
WinReminders 2005! Developed using the latest Microsoft development technologies (Microsoft.Net), WinReminders is brand new and exciting reminder software that can be used to remind you of important dates and events such as birthdays, anniversaries, bill payments and anything else that you need a reminder for.

Since WinReminders has been developed using the latest technologies it not only looks new (supports Windows XP alpha blending etc), but it is much better positioned than other legacy reminder software programs to head with you into the future. You can invest in WinReminders reminder software knowing that it is the latest technology and will be around for a long time to come.

In addition to the reminder functionality from which WinReminders derives its name, the software also includes several additional time management and scheduling tools making WinReminders irrestiably compelling value.

WinReminders' main features include:

Automatic Reminders - be automatically reminded about important dates every time you logon to your computer, or review upcoming events manually.

Task List - manage your daily/weekly tasks in this electronic todo list. Leverage powerful sorting and filtering capabilities, task priorities and categories.
Integrated Calendar - access a calendar for reviewing your plans. Get a bird's eye view of when your events are due and manipulate or create new events directly from the calendar itself.

Date Calculator - perform date calculations such as determining the number of days between two dates, or finding what the date is in 11 days time, or even just how many days old you are!

Network support - optionally share reminders and tasks with users on the network or with all your computers on your home network. When you're not on the network work off-line seamlessly.

Customizable behavior - fully customize the appearance and behavior (including sounds) for reminders and tasks.
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