Want to convert SWF to FLA ? download now
Sothink SWF Decompiler MX 2005a can convert your SWF to FLA. It supports exporting the whole movie file in FLA format, compatible with Flash 6 and Flash 7.
Support Flash MX 2004 (7.0) and Action Script 2.0
Sothink SWF Decompiler supports Action Script 2.0 fully. It supports exporting ActionScript 2.0 while converting swf to fla and supports exporting the .as file and Flash Project file (flp) while the swf file contains AS 2.0 class.
Within the program, it can decompile the code written in Action Script 2.0 and display the readable code in Action Script window, with syntax highlighting.
Support Flash components
Support converting the swf that conaints components to fla file and you can edit and configure them in Flash.
Decompile Flash
Sothink SWF Decompiler can parse and decompile the Flash movies. It can display all movie components in groups, such as Shape, Image, Sound, Font, Text, Sprite, Button and Frame. Especially, Sothink SWF Decompiler generates neat action script codes from a compiled movie and displays them in a syntax highlighting code window. Using Sothink SWF Decompiler, you can find out almost everything in a Flash movie.
Sothink SWF Decompiler can extract the shapes, sounds, images, sprites, fonts, texts and action scripts from a Flash movie.
Besides SWF format, the resources can be exported in several formats so you can use them in other applications:
The images can be exported in jpeg and bmp formats.
The sounds can be exported in mp3 and wav formats.
The action scripts can be exported to text file(s).
The shapes can be exported in Sothink Glanda format (GLS).
Support Flash Video (.flv) file
Sothink SWF Decompiler can extract the video file from a flash movie and export it in *.flv format.
Sothink SWF Decompiler has an explorer like interface that lets the user browse hard disk and network place to find Flash movies. It supports scanning your Internet Explorer's cache to pick out the flash movies you have viewed. User can also invoke SWF Decompiler from IE or Windows Explorer.
Sothink SWF Decompiler has a built-in Flash viewer to view and play the Flash movies you select. SWF Decompiler can view not only the swf files but also the stand-alone Flash movies which have been packaged to exe files.
Catch Flash Movies from IE browser
After you install Sothink SWF Decompiler, a small button of SWF Catcher (an assistant tool of SWF Decompiler) will be added on Internet Explorer's toolbar. While you are viewing a page including flash, click the Catcher button or right-click and select "Sothink SWF Catcher " to get the flash movie file.
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