Download PC Weather Machine Full
An integrated virtual Weather Station offering more meteorological information than most weather modules. PC Weather Machine lets you keep on top of the latest weather information, displaying the meteorological conditions, weather maps and sites for the places of your choice. This weather information is available worldwide and is accessed free on the Internet.
The main module displays five dial gauges - Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer, Anemometer and Weathervane - showing present weather conditions for the location of your choice. These gauges display the present value, the minimum and maximum values registered, and the pointer movement - Trend - over the past 24 hours. A second pointer on the anemometer and thermometer show wind gust speed and dew point temperature, respectively. The scales can be shown in Metric or US measurements and the thermometer scale can be set to cover the temperature range to be monitored.
Trend for the past 24 hours is plotted on five graphs: Air Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed and Wind Direction. The scales can be shown in Metric or US measurements. The colors of the main module can be set to your licking.

The Maps Viewer displays eight full-color weather images showing the meteorological conditions, forecasts, satellite images, radar images and weather maps for an area. You set the web links to the images you wish to monitor. These images can be copied, printed and saved.
The Sites Viewer allows you to switch between two different web pages showing your favorite weather forecasts for an area, without having to launch a web browser.
Microsoft Windows 98, NT, Me, 2000, XP(in order to use in Xp install this update file.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later installed. Microsoft Internet Explorer does not have to be your default browser
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