
Download StrongDisk Pro methodology for free

StrongDisk Pro methodology is quite easy to understand. Just imagine having a strongbox with two keys to it. The first key you keep in your head (this is your password), and the second one, the external key, contains specially generated binary code.

Access can be gained only when both keys are present (you can, of course, use only one key, but it is less secure).

StrongDisk Pro encrypts all data (using both your password and external key as an encryption key) and writes it to a regular file. This file (so-called "disk image file") can be stored in any folder of any logical disk accessible from Windows.

A driver from the StrongDisk Pro package allows using this file as a separate protected logical disk ("protected disk" further on). For the operating system your protected disks function just as any other disk, e.g. a CD-Rom or a ZIP drive.

After mounting a protected disk you can use it as usual, i.e. create folders, store files (e.g. Word or Excel documents),and open these files directly from the protected disk, etc. When data is written to a protected disk, or read from it, it is encrypted/decrypted "on the fly".

This happens so fast you will not even notice the difference between a protected disk and a normal logical one. Install StrongDisk Pro today and be sure that no stranger will gain access to data on protected disks while you are away.
External Keys
You can use external keys to encrypt data on protected disks. An external key contains a special binary key-code, which will be used as a password to access the protected disks.

This key-code is created randomly and is very long, thus eliminating the possibility of finding it by brute force. Two types of external keys are supported: a file-key or a trinket-key (a small device where the key-code is stored).

A file-key is a normal file, which contains the key-code. It can be stored on a diskette, a CD, or any other removable media. Every time you want to mount a protected disk you have to insert the disk with the file-key into the disk drive.

It means that knowing your password is not sufficient to access your data - your file-key is also necessary. The reverse is also true: the file-key does not let the violator to gain access to your data if he does not know the password. Such a combination significantly boosts data security. A trinket-key is basically the same file-key with the single difference that it is stored in a small device specially made to store a key-code and can be worn, for example, on a key ring.

StrongDisk Pro supports file-keys and has built-in means to create them. It also supports Rainbow iKey 1000 and Dallas iButton trinket-keys.



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