
Download TRx for free

TRx is a phone call recorder program for desktop computers. TRx lets you manually record telephone calls on a phone line connected to a voice modem, a telephony card or with a sound card connector lead (see below). It works under on both Windows and Mac OS X.

TRx also works as a caller number ID display system and lets you put calls on-hold (and plays on-hold music and messages).

TRx was designed for business call centers where a copy of TRx is installed on each workstation and connected to each telephone using a Handset Call Recording Connector or voice modem. It can also be used in a similar way in other businesses or at home when you need to manually record calls.
TRx Features:

Records telephone calls using a voice modem or telephony device or a suitable connector from your phone line to your sound in socket.

Displays caller ID of all incoming calls (subject to hardware and telephone network features).
Lets you put calls on hold with a hold button (professional music and messages on-hold included). \

Caller ID logging of all incoming calls.
[Optional] Recording-started prompt, recording-stopped prompt, and record tones.

Save recordings as wave files or send

System Requirements - Windows Version
Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP/2003
Pentium 100 or above with at least 32MB RAM.
[OPTION1] TAPI compliant (100%) telephony device. This includes most voice modems or a professional telephony card (eg. Dialogic etc.).
[OPTION2] Phone to computer sound in connector (available from your local electronics store).

Size: 560 KB


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