
Download DVD2one v2.1.0

DVD2one v2.1.0

Impressive little tool that shrinks all your DVD-9 movies into a single DVD-R (or DVD-RW/DVD+R/DVD+RW) with an amazing speed. And by amazing, we're talking about 20 minutes for compressing the full DVD-9 movie into one

DVD-R (with modern hardware).
User can choose whether he/she wants to make a full copy of a DVD-Video disc, including the menus and extras or does he/she want to keep only the main movie and get rid of the menus and extras (and selected subtitles and audio tracks).

If the movie fits to one DVD-R after the extras have been removed, there's no need for compressing the movie itself. But if the movie has to be compressed, program will make it fit exactly on one blank DVD-R and really, seriously, does the compressing within 20mins with modern PC.
In addition to this, the program is xtremely easy to use and is less than 100kb in size.
Program costs slightly over $30 to buy and this trial version is otherwise fully-functional,

but the tool will only compress the first 30mins of the movie.
Program doesn't come with DVD ripping or burning tools, so you need to download also something like DVD Decrypter and Nero as well

Do you need to know what exactly do terms like XVCD, Overlay, Dolby Digital, DivX ;-), etc mean?

Simply check out AfterDawn.com's glossary of terms by clicking here..
Playback guides
Find what video and audio codecs you need by using GSpot How to play AVI
How to play MKV filesHow to Play MPG and MPEG files What codecs to use? The AVIcodec guide

Copy DVD-9 movie to a single DVD-R with DVD2One
Copy entire DVD-9 movie to a single DVD-R using DVD Shrink Copy full DVD movie disc to a DVDR using CloneDVD
DVD Rebuilder Advanced Techniques
Extract, Process and Burn a DVD under MacOS X.2.2 or higher
High Quality DVD-9 Backups With DVD Rebuilder & CCE Basic
How to Copy a DVD movie to DVDR with DVDREasy
How to copy DVDs (Movie Only) with DVD ShrinkHow to copy DVDs with DVD

Shrink How to copy multiple DVD movies to 1 DVDR with DVD Shrink How to Shrink DVD Menus with MenuShrink

SVCD to DVD±R with DVD-Lab (From CD-Images or MPEG Files)


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