
Download Adobe Encore DVD v2.0

Adobe® Encore® DVD 2.0

The essential tool for DVD creation

Create DVDs that reflect your best work. Packed with a rich set of creative tools,

Adobe® Encore® DVD 2.0 software helps you create striking DVD titles for film, business, training, events, and more. With unmatched

Adobe Photoshop® software integration and a flexible and intelligent workflow,

Encore DVD 2.0 is the right choice for easy production of full-featured, menu-driven DVDs.

Create powerful DVDs with ease

Slideshow Editor
Build and arrange slide shows with ease. Define shows as browsable or autoplay with optional narration or music. Set slide durations, add transitions, and apply pan-and-zoom effects.

Define and view your DVD's navigation by using a visual flowchart representation of all points and links.

Automated chapter menus

Create multipage menus automatically from chapters or slide shows in your project.

Royalty-free templates and menu art

Jump-start DVD menu creation using the many royalty-free templates, motion menus, and other included artwork files.

Project checker
Verify your project at any time during production. Adobe Encore DVD 2.0 checks your navigation for broken links, verifies bit rates, checks subtitles for problems, and presents the results in a sortable list.
Work smarter with intelligent workflow

Adobe Photoshop integration

Create menus in Adobe Photoshop® file format, using the Photoshop technology built into Adobe Encore DVD 2.0. Edit menus in Photoshop CS2 and see your changes instantly in your DVD project.

Updated user interface with workspace panels that dock and group

Organize your desktop quickly with workspace panels that dock and group. Move divider lines between panels to adjust your layout quickly, with no need to resize multiple windows.

Adobe Bridge
Browse, organize, and preview content files, and then drag and drop what you need right from Adobe Bridge. Search by or edit XMP metadata such as keywords, language, and format.

Integrated background transcoding
Let Encore DVD 2.0 automatically convert source files to MPEG-2 video and Dolby® Digital audio, or manually adjust settings to optimize your DVD compression.

Adobe After Effects integration

Send a menu directly to Adobe After Effects® 7.0 software for animation, export your animation as a movie file, and then add it to your menu background for a stunning motion menu.

Design with total freedom and control

Native Photoshop menus
Import native Photoshop files or create new menus in native Photoshop file format. Buttons, text, and images are stored as layers and layer sets so you can edit them later in Photoshop CS2.

Motion menu creation
Combine powerful Photoshop CS2 editing tools with video compositing tools to create unique motion menus.

Professional mastering tools

Create DVD masters using DLT tape and incorporate DVD-standard copy protection, region coding, and playback controls.

Integrated text design tools
Add and design text directly within Encore DVD 2.0 using tools similar to those in Photoshop CS2.

Styles panel
Easily apply styles to DVD project menu components. Use the supplied styles, or create your own by simply dragging them from the Menu Editor.

Size : 390.0 MB



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