
Download Personal Inspector

:: Download Personal Inspector ::

Personal Inspector is an employee monitoring / parental control tool that monitors all computer activity and Internet usage. It can automatically track addresses and titles of all visited web pages, record all keystrokes (including passwords), save contents of Windows clipboard and take screen captures of the desktop and working application windows. All collected data is stored in the secret directory on the local computer and can be accessed anytime from this machine or via the local network. The software is very easy to use, small, fast-running and takes little system resources. It can be used at the office to monitor computer activity of employees and find out if they misuse corporate resources or spend too much time on their personal needs, what applications they are running and which Internet resources they visit (this may help you prevent Internet abuse and reduce the risk of liability).

Personal Inspector can also be used as a employee monitoring or parental control and surveillance tool to monitor what family members are doing on your computer and tracking their Internet usage. Other possible areas of application for this tool are school and university computer labs and Internet cafes, where it can be used for analyzing computer activity of students/visitors and preventing abuse of software licenses and installation of undesired software.

If you want to hide the program from the users, you can enable it to load on Windows startup and quietly run in the background.

In the stealth mode Personal Inspector does not show up in the Registry and Task Manager, it can also be removed from the Programs menu and the Install/Uninstall list.



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