
Download Mp3 Doctor

:: Download Mp3 Doctor ::

MP3 Doctor is an editing tool that lets you check, modify, and improve all your MP3s and WAVs in several ways. You can repair imperfect songs or modify them with TRIM, EQUALIZE, RESAMPLE, and a very efficient and improved

NORMALIZE feature, and more (stretch, pitch, mp3 to karaoke...). The goal is to let you maintain a similar quality, volume and sound on all your existing MP3s and discover a new quality for you mp3 files. Specialy the music downloaders (Morpheus, Kazaa, Napster, etc) suffer the situation of having very different quality files with different volumes, qualities, eqalizations, untrimmeds, etc.

Mp3Doctor will help you to mantaind and IMPROVE your music collection.
Its very common that some (or maybe all) your mp3 files has different sound qualities, different volumes, different sample or bitrates... it sounds with a lot of 'ups and downs' in your player. Or maybe you have ONE mp3 that you want to analyze and improve. Standarize all the mp3 that you has download from internet (Napster, AudioGallaxy, etc) MP3 DOCTOR has all the solutions to IMPROVE any mp3 file.

Finally a complete MP3 FIX TOOLMP3 Doctor is an editing tool that lets you check, modify, and improve all your MP3s and WAVs in several ways. You can repair imperfect songs or modify them with trimming, equalizing, resampling, and a very efficient and improved normalization feature, and more (stretch, pitch, karaoke...).
The goal is to let you maintain a similar quality, volume and sound on all your existing MP3s. In addition, it comes with encode and decode options (MP3 to WAV / WAV to MP3). You can modify hundreds of files with one click using 'Batch' mode or use 'Single' mode to process one file at time. In addition it can handle ID tags of MP3 files. This version is a major Update that includes a very optimized Normalize function that allows to get the lower parts of a song to higher levels.
With this Super-Normalize feature the user could get all your songs to the best level possible. A new Karaoke feature was added, that lets the user to remove the vocals of an MP3 or WAV file. This functions works exactly by the same principle of the hardware vocal removers and get then similar results. Most songs could get the vocals removed, however it depends more on the effects and proccessing that the vocals has during the recording. On the other side, some other sounds of the song could be removed by using the Karaoke function, user can't expect to remove all the vocals on every file.



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