
Download Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder

:: Download Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder ::

Advanced MP3 Recorder is a directly and real-time sound recorder software, which offers professional recording features with mp3 and wma support.

Advanced MP3 Recorder makes a complete recording studio of your computer.With Advanced MP3 Recorder you can record sound from microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, Power DVD, Flash, games, etc. Sound quality of the recordings remains excellent, or sounds even better for Advanced MP3 Recorder reduces noise. Advanced MP3 Recorder is able to automatically detect the recording formats your sound card supports and then set the applications parameters for the best possible performance. Your recordings are then saved as Mp3,Wma or Wav files.

Advanced MP3 Recorder have directly to disk ability allows you to record sound without running out of memory as long as theres enough disk space. Advanced MP3 Recorder can record directly to mp3 or wma audio format, and saving you valuable disk space not using any temporary files. Advanced MP3 Recorder interface is easy to use and perfect for both novice and expert PC users.



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